Physical route
It is necessary to complete it from 1st February to 15th December of the year directly on the territory of the Austerlitz battlefield.
We have selected for you several physical routes directly on the battlefield. They are divided according to whether it is the northern field of the battlefield, the center of the battlefield, or the southern field of the battlefield. However, you can complete the physical route at your own discretion and we do not set any limits for you. When completing a physical route, it is only necessary to observe the minimum length of the route of your age category and keep in mind that you are not insured against accidents by the organizer while marching through the battlefield. It is therefore necessary to respect mainly one’s own safety, for example when moving on roads due to road traffic and the CZ Act on Road Traffic. As you move around the battlefield, please keep in mind that no one is curious about your rubbish left near the roads, as well as excrement covered with toilet paper. Please take your waste of any kind with you in a plastic bag and throw it in the municipal waste. We recommend that you always use a reflective vest during the day and the night when moving on roads. There are no limits to the maximum length of your route.
What are the approximate boundaries of the battlefield ?
Northern battlefield:
The beginning and end of the routes is at the Rohlenka motor station, where parking is for free and there are several dining options before and after the march. On the given routes you can visit according to the length of the route – Žuráň, the place of command post of Napoleon I. Bonaparte from where he commanded his troops at the beginning of the battle and then moved to Staré Vinohrady, Santon hill – place of unbroken French artillery defense, town Sivice and Pozořice not succesfully realized bypass by the Allies, Monument to the Austrian artillery, led by a heroic and orderly retreat of Allied troops after an unsuccessful attempt to break through the defenses of Santon, Stará Pošta, where both Napoleon I. Bonaparte spent the night and Russian General Bagration or Memorial to the Victims of the Battle on the border of town Holubice:
– physical route 12 km
– physical route 15,1 km
– physical route 21 km
– physical route 22,6 km
– physical route 25,9 km
– physical route 28 km
The center of the battlefield:
The beginning and end of the routes is at the Peace Mound memorial (památník Mohyla Míru). For a symbolic fee, it is possible to park a car / motorcycle / bus on a small parking place and at the same time visit the Peace Mound = battle museum. We strongly recommend that you take at least a tour of the museum before the march and then set off on the route. From March 2021, the commemorative coin of march will be available for purchase directly at the Mohyla míru tourist center for the same price, and the proceeds from the sale of the coin will be the same as when purchasing the coin through the application form. In the years 2021 and 2022, a complete reconstruction of the museum will take place, and therefore we recommend that you find out in advance about the possibility of visiting the museum due to the ongoing reconstruction. Depending on the length of the route, you can visit – U Kříže memorial, where all armies passed during the battle, two lookout points near the village of Křenovice (a meeting of allies took place in this village on the eve of the battle), not yet existing village Staré Vinohrady where was a decisive clash of troops and where the allies were divided into two halves, the village of Jiříkovice, in which there is a mass military grave on the edge of the route and after which they are named on the eve of the battle of the so-called Jiříkovice Fire. The villages of Kobylnice, Ponětovice and Šlapanice, which, in the event of the success of the Allies’ plan, were to lead a left-wing bypass in order to cut off the retreat path of Napoleon I. Bonaparte towards Vienna. You will return to the village of Prace, from where Allied troops set out from the hill in the morning with the task of recharging the French position between the villages Sokolnice and Telnice and then cutting off the retreat path of Napoleon’s troops towards Vienna:
– physical route 10,7 km
– physical route 15,2 km
– physical route 20 km
– physical route 21,3 km
– physical route 25,8 km
– physical route 29 km
Southern battlefield:
The beginning and end of the routes is at the Peace Mound memorial (památník Mohyla Míru). For a symbolic fee, it is possible to park a car / motorcycle / bus on a small parking place and at the same time visit the Peace Mound = battle museum. We strongly recommend that you take at least a tour of the museum before the march and then set off on the route. From March 2021, the commemorative coin of march will be available for purchase directly at the Mohyla míru tourist center for the same price, and the proceeds from the sale of the coin will be the same as when purchasing the coin through the application form. In the years 2021 and 2022, a complete reconstruction of the museum will take place, and therefore we recommend that you find out in advance about the possibility of visiting the museum due to the ongoing reconstruction. Depending on the length of the route, you can visit – the village Zbýšov, where at the end of the battle there were small skirmishes between the troops ending the fight, the village of Újezd u Brna, for which they were located (now defunct) Žatčanský rybník and Měnínský rybník (proof of the claim that history is not written by losers. In Napoleons´ memoirs is mentioned that he let his artilery troops fire from Pracký hill to ponds and literally drowned thousands of Allied soldiers in these ponds = due to the range of the cannons – 1km of balls and 600m brush + catch of both ponds (recorded in local chronicles about two weeks after the battle) however, it is clear that only a few horses and wagons were lost in the ponds by the Allies), the villages Sokolnice and Telnice, where Napoleon’s reinforcements coming in the waves from Vienna helped fundamentally disrupt the Allies’ plan to cut off the retreat to Vienna, Sokolnice Pheasant House – another mistake in history , where it is claimed that the walls of the pheasantry were used as a defensive firing position of French artillery. Attack of the Allies, however, could never make artillery support, either planned or realistically, due to the Allied attack:
– physical route 12,4 km
– physical route 15 km
– physical route 21,6 km