Authentic route
Due to the authenticity, it is necessary to complete it between 15th November and 15th December of the year, directly on the territory of the Austerlitz battlefield.
We have selected for you several authentic routes directly on the battlefield. They are divided according to whether it is the northern field of the battlefield, the center of the battlefield, or the southern field of the battlefield. However, you can complete the authentic route at your own discretion and we do not set any limits for you. When completing a authentic route, it is only necessary to observe the minimum length of the route of your age category and keep in mind that you are not insured against accidents by the organizer while marching through the battlefield. It is therefore necessary to respect mainly one’s own safety, for example when moving on roads due to road traffic and the CZ Act on Road Traffic. As you move around the battlefield, please keep in mind that no one is curious about your rubbish left near the roads, as well as excrement covered with toilet paper. Please take your waste of any kind with you in a plastic bag and throw it in the municipal waste. Please do not make any fires. We recommend that you always use a reflective vest during the day and the night when moving on roads. There are no limits to the maximum length of your route.
What are the approximate boundaries of the battlefield ?
Northern battlefield:
Routes for allies: The beginning and end of the route is on the border of Rousínov and Tvarožná. After the disagreement of the planning of Alexander I and Francis I and gen. Kutuzov, a plan of attack on the northern wing was adopted, which the French managed to repel mainly due to strong artillery defense on Santon Hill (the name is probably derived from the French name Saint Antoine, translated as St. Anthony, phonetically apparently later converted to “sántantoan” to today’s Santon). Thus, after the failure of the attack, the Allies had to withdraw in an organized manner to their original starting positions and retreat further to Olomouc and / or Slavkov:
– authentic route 5,6 km + authentic route back 5,6 km or authentic route 9,7 km or you can visit also main command post of Napoleon I. Bonaparte on Žuráň hill authentic route 14,7 km
Routes for the French: After an organized retreat towards Rousínov – Rohlenka, the French artillery fortified itself on the Santon hill (the name is probably derived from the French name Saint Antoine, translated as Saint Anthony, phonetically probably later converted to “sántantoan” to today’s Santon). The artillery dismantled the then wooden chapel on Santon for the purpose of fortifying their positions, and today’s brick appearance of the chapel is the result of subsequent reconstruction. After successfully repelling the Allied attack, French reserves were deployed behind Santon, which enhanced the success of the French, and thanks to the development of success, they managed to push the Allies to the edge of the battlefield, from where the Allies left the battlefield orderly:
– authentic route 5,6 km + authentic route back 5,6 km or authentic route 9,7 km or you can visit also main command post of Napoleon I. Bonaparte on Žuráň hill authentic route 14,7 km
The center and south of the battlefield:
Routes for allies: The beginning and end of the route is in the village Křenovice – here on the eve of the battle, a meeting of the Allies took place due to the fight the next day. Alexander I insisted on the attack, Francis I and gen. Kutuzov wanted to wait for reinforcements to arrive. Due to the number of troops, a plan was finally adopted for the attack of Alexander I on the position of Napoleon´s troops in the villages Sokolnice and Telnice in order to cut off Napoleon´s possible retreat path towards Vienna. Subsequently, turn in the direction of further progress to the center of the Napoeon´s command post on Žurán hill in order to break the command system. However, this plan was not implemented due to the constant supply of reinforcements of the French troops from Vienna, which helped maintain the line of defense between Sokolnice – Telnice. After the failure, the Allies withdrew to the Žatčany and Měnín ponds, or towards Slavkov (return to the center of the formation to the now defunct village of Staré Vinohrady was not possible, because it was already occupied by French troops):
– authentic route 6,4 km + authentic route back 6,4 km or authentic route 18 km
Routes for the French:
The beginning and end of the route is in the village Křenovice. The French troops pretended to be weak and withdrew on the Telnice – Ponětovice line with the main command post of Napoleon on the Žuráň hill. After successfully repelling the Allied attack on the Sokolnice – Telnice line, the center of Napoleon’s troops attacked Pracký kopec (Pratzen hill) and divided the Allied troops into two halves, which prevented the Allies from further successful reactions to the development of the battle. The French from the Pracký kopec subsequently suppressed the allies towards Slavkov and towards the Žatčany and Měnín ponds:
– authentic route 6,4 km + authentic route back 6,4 km or authentic route 18 km